The Guild educational mission is to promote music education in the Greater Hot Springs area schools and to help students master their craft. We have the programs listed below that address the need in different ways:
The Arkansas Symphony Orchestra presents a Children’s Concert in the fall each year for elementary students in the greater Hot Springs area. In addition to the concert, written educational materials are available to enable the curriculum teachers to integrate the experience into their lesson plans. These materials are available in advance on our website so that teachers have adequate time to review the materials, determine the appropriate curriculum areas and work with other teachers to determine the appropriate timing for the different sections.
The concert is held at the Bank OZK Arena in Hot Spring. Over 3000 students attend the concert each year from the following schools: Cutter Morning Star, Fountain Lake, Jessieville, Hot Springs, Lake Hamilton, Lakeside, Mountain Pine, Seventh Day Adventist School, St John's Catholic School, and area home schooled students.
Our most recent Children's Concert was October 19, 2023 at the Bank OZK Arena in Hot Springs. Plans for our next concert are in progress. For complete concert information, please contact Martha Smither, Children's Concert Committee Chair, HS/HSV Symphony Guild, or call 501-922-2743.
In-school Music WorkshopsThe Guild underwrites the in-school programs for schools in Garland County so the programs are free to the schools. The Hot Springs/Hot Springs Village Symphony Guild works with the Rockefeller and Quapaw String Quartets from the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra to provide a variety of programs or ‘demos’ for students in the 3rd through 5th grades enabling them to experience the joy and excitement of ‘live’ performance. Orchestra and You is a free program for students in Grade 2. This program introduces students to all the instruments of the orchestra through a “hands on” approach using colorful, acrylic, one dimensional, models while recorded, as well artist musicians demonstrate instruments sounds. For complete information click here. |